Dyami Brown, only 21 yo WR from North Carolina, made a great impression. At 6'0/195 he's a good size.
From the game Notre Dame - North Carolina:
Good block by Diyami Brown (#2) to try and help Michael Carter (#8).
Another good positional awareness by Brown, helping this time his QB. He set a block to leave space on the outside; the QB decides to go the other way which makes the block not effective, but I think the block itself was again good.
We can't really see the route, but it seems to be a curl, and an athletic catch on a bad throw.
From North Carolina @ Florida State:
[10;36] athletic, almost a difficult catch. Good improvisation with the QB in trouble.
[14:32] meh route, impossible catch (overthrown)
[22:33] deep, catch and TD
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